RehaMoto LGT-5100L provides bedside movement therapy which can lead to reduced stays in intensive care, minimize ventilation time, prevent subsequent neuromuscular damage, and help improve the cognitive performance of the patients. Advantages Passive, Active, Assistive, Symmetric, and Isokinetic Training Intelligent spasm recognition and relief User-friendly 8-inch color touchscreen interface Sturdy metal construction Adjustable in height and distance Easily movable with castors Easily secured in place with floor fixation Anti-slipping handles and pedals Quiet, gentle, and smooth cycling Arm and leg securing support Gentle starting and stopping of the movement Detailed training feedback during and after training Language selection
RehaMoto LGT-5100D can be used to train arms or legs separately or simultaneously. The speed and intensity of the leg and arm training can be separately adjusted. The holistic movement can effectively improve muscle strength and mobility, increase joint range of motion as well as ideally strengthen the cardiovascular system. Advantages Passive, Active, Assistive, Symmetric, and Isokinetic Training Simultaneous training of lower and upper extremities Intelligent spasm recognition and relief User-friendly 8-inch color touchscreen interface Sturdy metal construction Adjustable in heights Easily movable with castors Anti-slipping handles and pedals Quiet, gentle, and smooth cycling Arm and leg securing support Gentle starting and stopping of the movement Detailed training feedback during and after training 1 inbuilt game Language selection